Wednesday, August 09, 2006

My Farming Store

For the longest time I left my farming down at 1 because I thought it was a boring and pointless skill. I accumulated tons of seeds while stealing from the master farmer at Draynor and also while training range on the Moss giants. The seeds piled up in my bank and I finally decided it was time to put them to use.

I've discovered that I absolutely love farming. I grow herbs like mad, use them to train herblore, and then sell the potions for profit.

During my farming adventures, I have discovered that most Runescape players have absolutely no idea what seeds are worth. In an effort to fund my new obessession, I started up a "store".

Update : I've been buying seeds now for a while, so here is my updated (as of 8/24/06) list:

strawberry: 500ea
watermelon: 1kea

willow: 5kea
maple: 10kea
yew: 45kea
magic: 100kea

curry: 5kea
pineapple: 15kea
papaya: 25kea
palm: 35kea

limpwarts: 500ea

ranarr: 15kea
kwuarm: 4kea
snapdragon: 10kea
cantadine: 4kea
lantadyme: 5kea
dwarf weed: 5kea
torstol: 5kea

calquat: 20kea

super compost: 500ea

When I sell, these are the prices I use:

strawberry: 1kea
watermelon: 3kea

willow: 15kea
maple: 35kea
yew: up to 90kea
magic: up to 200kea

curry: 15kea
pineapple: 30kea
papaya: 45kea
palm: 75kea

limpwarts: 1kea

ranarr: 25kea
kwuarm: 9kea
snapdragon: 25kea
cantadine: 10kea
lantadyme: 10kea
dwarf weed: 10kea
torstol: 10kea

calquat: 50kea

super compost: 1kea

A lot of my selling prices are untested and may need adjusting. I tend to keep most of the seeds that I buy, only selling the lower stuff that is no longer worth my time (willows and down, curry and down, lower herbs). I never sell watermelon seeds, snapdragons, or ranaar. I make a killing by selling the "little stuff". Strawberry, toadflax, irit, limps, etc.


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