Abyss Nature Crafting
A long time Runescape goal of mine has been to craft nature runes using the abyss. I've accomplished that goal and recently posted an account of my experiences to the Tip-It forums in the hopes that it would help someone out. Here is the post:
I'm fairly new to abyss nature crafting, these are my impressions so far:
Before crafting natures, I decided to get pouches. I wore rune plate, rune legs, a ring of wealth, an anti-dragonfire shield, a gnome amulet, family crest gauntlets, and boots of lightness. I wielded a dragon long. I had an ectophial in my inventory, a prayer potion, and lots of food.
I entered the wilderness unskulled thinking that if I were attacked and things started going bad, I could protect item and keep my rune armour, my dragon long, and the ring. I'm a big chicken like that.
I never verified this by checking prices at the shop, I just assumed that it would work out this way. You may or may not want to be more careful than I was.
Once I was in the abyss, I ran counter-clockwise until I hit a large group of leeches. There are "nooks" in this area and if you go up in them, only one leech can attack you at a time. This is the place to be, you might have to experiment a bit to find them. I never needed to use my prayer potion and turn on protect from melee, the food I was using was tuna.
I got a medium pouch after killing about 10 leeches, I was probably lucky. This is all I can use right now, so I teled out.
Now that I had my pouches, I was ready to craft natures using the abyss. This is the process that I used and continue to use:
Starting at the Castle Wars bank, I withdraw and equip red d'hide body and legs, family crest gauntlets, a gnome hat, an elemental shield, a gnome amulet, and boots of lightness. I would wear a cape if I had a god or legends cape, but since I don't I don't bother. I wield a bronze pickaxe and I keep an ectophial, a shark, and my 2 pouches in my inventory at all times. Some people grab a prayer potion as well, I haven't been bothering lately, maybe I should though.
If I die while nat crafting, I'll lose my hides, but the rest of my equiment is quest stuff and can be very easily replaced.
Still at castle wars and with "walk" on, I withdraw a glory and telly to Edgeville. I walk to the Edgeville bank, deposit my glory and withdraw as much ess as I can hold (withdraw, fill puches, withdraw again).
I head ne from the Edgville bank, cross the bridge, turn on "run", and then follow the river nw. When I see the mage, I right click him and then select teleport.
Note : If you see trouble, attack a skeleton (there's usually one there) as this is not a multi-combat area and a potential pker will be unable to attack you.
Once in the abyss, I start heading counter-clockwise and I look for things that look like "teeth", more specifically, big 'ol molars. I click them to mine and then wait. It takes me anywhere from 1 to 3 tries until I am successful - You will get a message if your mining attempt fails, I can't remember if you get one when you are successful.
Using the equipment I mentioned above, I don't get hit much in the abyss, I have yet to have to resort to eating a shark in there so far.
Once I've managed to mine my way into the inner portion of the abyss, I start breathing again and switch to "walk". The portal to the nature altar is just west of the path that leads to the dark mage. Just mouse over the portals, it will show which is which. This is the easy part, there is no danger here.
After entering the portal, I find myself at the nature altar. I craft my runes, use my duel ring to tele to castle wars, and then repeat. Use a games necklace to get to the champs guild to recharge glories as needed.
Remember to eat if you took damage in the abyss. No glory amulet were harmed during the execution of these steps. My combat level is 70.
Hope this helps.
A couple of additional notes:
Switch private chat to either friends or off. This will prevent people from monitoring which world you are on.
As always, be sure that auto-retaliate is off. Leaving this on can be a fatal mistake.
The gnome amulet that I wear isn't providing any magic protection. I think that I will switch to an amulet of defense.
I'm learning that time of the day is an important factor when it comes to danger of being pked. I've been nat crafting on weekday nights (after 10pm EST) and have yet to even be attacked (knock on wood). I may revisit the green dragons as my last pker-a-licious visit to them was on a *Saturday night* (I'm guessing that this is prime pking time).
I can see that I'll soon grow tired of using the duel rings and eventually will start bringing glory amulets into the abyss. This will be much akin to tossing the floaties or losing the training wheels. :)
I'm fairly new to abyss nature crafting, these are my impressions so far:
Before crafting natures, I decided to get pouches. I wore rune plate, rune legs, a ring of wealth, an anti-dragonfire shield, a gnome amulet, family crest gauntlets, and boots of lightness. I wielded a dragon long. I had an ectophial in my inventory, a prayer potion, and lots of food.
I entered the wilderness unskulled thinking that if I were attacked and things started going bad, I could protect item and keep my rune armour, my dragon long, and the ring. I'm a big chicken like that.

Once I was in the abyss, I ran counter-clockwise until I hit a large group of leeches. There are "nooks" in this area and if you go up in them, only one leech can attack you at a time. This is the place to be, you might have to experiment a bit to find them. I never needed to use my prayer potion and turn on protect from melee, the food I was using was tuna.
I got a medium pouch after killing about 10 leeches, I was probably lucky. This is all I can use right now, so I teled out.
Now that I had my pouches, I was ready to craft natures using the abyss. This is the process that I used and continue to use:
Starting at the Castle Wars bank, I withdraw and equip red d'hide body and legs, family crest gauntlets, a gnome hat, an elemental shield, a gnome amulet, and boots of lightness. I would wear a cape if I had a god or legends cape, but since I don't I don't bother. I wield a bronze pickaxe and I keep an ectophial, a shark, and my 2 pouches in my inventory at all times. Some people grab a prayer potion as well, I haven't been bothering lately, maybe I should though.
If I die while nat crafting, I'll lose my hides, but the rest of my equiment is quest stuff and can be very easily replaced.
Still at castle wars and with "walk" on, I withdraw a glory and telly to Edgeville. I walk to the Edgeville bank, deposit my glory and withdraw as much ess as I can hold (withdraw, fill puches, withdraw again).
I head ne from the Edgville bank, cross the bridge, turn on "run", and then follow the river nw. When I see the mage, I right click him and then select teleport.
Note : If you see trouble, attack a skeleton (there's usually one there) as this is not a multi-combat area and a potential pker will be unable to attack you.
Once in the abyss, I start heading counter-clockwise and I look for things that look like "teeth", more specifically, big 'ol molars. I click them to mine and then wait. It takes me anywhere from 1 to 3 tries until I am successful - You will get a message if your mining attempt fails, I can't remember if you get one when you are successful.
Using the equipment I mentioned above, I don't get hit much in the abyss, I have yet to have to resort to eating a shark in there so far.
Once I've managed to mine my way into the inner portion of the abyss, I start breathing again and switch to "walk". The portal to the nature altar is just west of the path that leads to the dark mage. Just mouse over the portals, it will show which is which. This is the easy part, there is no danger here.
After entering the portal, I find myself at the nature altar. I craft my runes, use my duel ring to tele to castle wars, and then repeat. Use a games necklace to get to the champs guild to recharge glories as needed.
Remember to eat if you took damage in the abyss. No glory amulet were harmed during the execution of these steps. My combat level is 70.
Hope this helps.
A couple of additional notes:
Switch private chat to either friends or off. This will prevent people from monitoring which world you are on.
As always, be sure that auto-retaliate is off. Leaving this on can be a fatal mistake.
The gnome amulet that I wear isn't providing any magic protection. I think that I will switch to an amulet of defense.
I'm learning that time of the day is an important factor when it comes to danger of being pked. I've been nat crafting on weekday nights (after 10pm EST) and have yet to even be attacked (knock on wood). I may revisit the green dragons as my last pker-a-licious visit to them was on a *Saturday night* (I'm guessing that this is prime pking time).
I can see that I'll soon grow tired of using the duel rings and eventually will start bringing glory amulets into the abyss. This will be much akin to tossing the floaties or losing the training wheels. :)
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