Wednesday, September 20, 2006

On a Roll: God Cape and Staff

I was feeling pretty cool after completing Desert Treasure, I even switched to a free play world to walk around in my elite members gear so that I could be admired. Embarrassing isn't it? I work the late shift today, so I figured I might as well knock off another long-time goal while the servers are all but empty - Getting a god cape and staff.

To get a god cape and staff, one must venture to level 50 wildy, challenge the wizard, Kolodion, to a duel, and then defeat said wizard. After receiving the cape and staff, the corresponding god spell must be cast in the mage arena at least 100 times before it can be used outside the arena.

I teleported to Ardougne, and grabbed rune plate, legs, and my dds. I levered, cut the web, and then headed west to the mage bank. Not a soul in sight. Once at the mage bank, I grabbed my best prayer gear, staff and runes, some prayer pots, a vial of anti-poison (in case a pker with dds were to show up), some sharks, and then I spoke with Kolodion. Kolodion told me that I had to fight him, etc, and when I accepted his challenge, he teleported me to the mage arena.

I chose to fight Kolodion using fire bolt while wearing chaos gauntlets and I kept my protect from magic prayer on from the second form on. My fight with Kolodion was a simple matter and after I was done, I was teleported back to the bank.

Back at the bank, I spoke with Kolodion and was told to enter the nearby pool. I did so and ended up in a cave (which I'm sure is designated as wildy). I spoked with the cave guardian, walked up to the Saradomin statue, prayed at it, and received my cape. I wore my cape and then spoke with the guardian again. The guardian gave me my staff and then I exited the cave via the pool.

Now for 100 or more casts of my god spell in the arena. While still wearing my prayer gear, I grabbed enough runes for 150 casts of my god spell, prayer pots, an anti poison, some sharks, and a knife. I had to walk from the mage bank to the arena, cutting webs as I travelled, and then pull the lever at the entrance to the arena to enter.

Once in the arena, I moved to the southern part so that anybody walking past the front of the arena would not be able to see me. The arena itself is in the wilderness and one can be attacked there. I fought mages in the arena until my runes were completely exhausted. While I was fighting the mages, my spells splashed with some frequency and I began to wonder if I might need more runes (does one have to cast 100 successful spells or just 100 casts?).

When my runes were gone, I exited the arena the same way that I entered, went to the mage bank, and spoke with Kolodion again. Kolodion informed me that I had cast enough Sara strikes and that I could now cast the spell anywhere in the game.

Mission complete.

At some point, I plan to return to the arena and obtain the Zamorak cape and staff, when I do so, I'll let you know how it turns out.


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