Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Monkey Madness

Well, it finally happened. I finally got tired of being just another guy with a dragon long and decided to get Monkey Madness over with. The guide at tip.it is very straight-forward, but I've got just a couple of comments to add.

You cannot bring enough anti-poison with you to Ape Atoll. Everything is poisonous there, including little level 1 spiders that respawn immediately after you kill them.

Everything on Ape Atoll hits hard. Think that little scorpion is nothing to worry about? Wait until it starts hitting 12s and 15s on you. Bring prayer potions and use protect from melee gratuitously.

Beware of the archer monkeys! While wandering aroung with my protect from melee on, I suddenly came under attack by numerous archer monkeys. These guys can take you down fast and I almost didn't manage to get my protect from range prayer up in time. This is easily the closest I came to death during the quest.

The jungle demon was a piece of cake. I took my crystal bow, wore range gear, and prayed protect from magic. As soon as I entered the "battlezone", I ran to the square spot in the center and got the demon stuck on it. After that, I just stood there and ranged him to death. If I wanted to, I could have walked to the kitchen for a quick drink during the battle.


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